Divine Mercy Sunday is a devotion begun in Poland and made International by St John Paul II in 2000; it draws our attention to the mercy and love of God through a vivid image revealed in prayer to a Religious Sister, Sr Faustina, in a convent just outside Krakow.
The image helps offer insight into the Gospel reading for Sunday, where Jesus greets the disciples with the words “Peace be with you” and also shows them his wounds; at a time when our world is feeling very wounded, and individuals are afflicted with Coronavirus, as well as the wounds of living in isolation and lockdown, the Gospel and the Divine Mercy image may be very helpful for us to reflect on, to sustain us in the weeks ahead.
The Mass will be offered for all of those who would normally have come to Walsingham House at Abbotswick from the Billericay Padre Pio group and across the Diocese – this will be the first year they have missed for 35 years; we will be united in Spiritual Communion.
The Mass will be streamed live on Instagram at 10.30am and all the details to access the Mass are in the little graphic below. The Mass booklet is a PDF which can be printed or downloaded here: Divine Mercy Sunday Order of Service