Make a donation to Walsingham House

  • By donating here you help to support all aspects of our work, including Team training, the development and resources for retreats and the upkeep of Walsingham House at Abbotswick.

    • Set up a Standing Orderform to complete and take to your bank is here
    • Post a Cheque (payable to Walsingham House) to Natalie Johnson, Walsingham House at Abbotswick, Navestock Side, Near Brentwood, Essex CM14 5SH
    • Online Banking - Make a Bank Transfer - Simply use your online banking with the following information:
      Account name: Walsingham House Account
      Sort Code: 40-13-22
      Account number:  41152696
      Reference:  Donation

    Online donation

  • In accordance with the Data Protection Act we confirm your data will not be shared with any other organisation.