Pope Francis 2020 World Youth Day Message to Young People

5th April 2020

When World Youth Day is not hosted internationally, it takes place in Rome, on Palm Sunday. Today should have been the moment when the WYD cross was handed from the young people of Panama (2019) to the young people of Lisbon (2022), but that will now happen later this year. Take time with Pope Francis words of hope and encouragement to young people, themed on the idea of “Arise” – it is a message of compassion, hope and challenge!


You might also want to use some of this time in solitude to read the amazing message of Pope Francis and the Synod to young people and all who journey with them. This document, “Christus Vivit!” (Christ is Alive!”) is full of powerful insights, and it is a wonderful document to spend time with. You can read it online here: http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhortations/documents/papa-francesco_esortazione-ap_20190325_christus-vivit.html

Or download it as a PDF here: ChristusVivitPDF

Happy reading!