World Youth Sunday 2022

National Youth Sunday is now World Youth Day and it is a unique opportunity to celebrate the role and significance of young people in the Catholic Church in England and Wales, along with the global Church.

“Mary arose and went with haste” (based on Lk 1:39)
The theme, which we share with Flame 2023, reflects a call to stand up again, together, to find fresh strength and to help others to rise up too. It reminds us that as young people we must commit again to use the energy, gifts, talents we have in new ways.

So we are asking young people from all over the Diocese to ARISE in parishes and schools, and speak on behalf of the Brentwood Catholic Youth Service of your experiences, how other young people can get involved and how others can support us.
We will have a script, flyers, posters and all other materials prepared
– all we ask is for volunteers to speak on our behalf in their local parish on the weekend of 20th November 2022.

If this is something you think you can help with, either by speaking yourself or arranging speakers in your own parish, please get in contact with your name and parish, by emailing [email protected]!
You can find out more about World Youth Sunday as well as many fantastic resources for your Parishes, schools or home at