Fundraising in your School or Parish
There are a number of events or fundraising opportunities which can be run by individuals, or a group of people, in your parish or school and we would also encourage you to reach out to your Chaplaincy lead or other school staff, as well as your parish priest, to let them know about your plans to travel on Pilgrimage to Lourdes. They will be very supportive and encouraging in your efforts!
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Ideas for Fundraising Events
Quiz Night
See if you can use your school or parish hall, find a local quizmaster, or search online for quiz rounds, and invite family, friends and parishioners to take part. You can charge for individuals or teams to take part, as well as hold a raffle and sell drinks or refreshments (but check if you need to apply for a Lotteries licence or a Temporary Event Notice, which you can find information about online)
Download a Quiz Night Poster Template
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Cake Sale
Ask for donations of homemade cakes, cookies and biscuits and sell them during a school lunchtime or after Sunday Mass. You could even serve tea and coffee or cold drinks, and wrap some in foil or cake boxes for people to take home as well!
Download a Cake Sale Poster Template
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Non-Uniform Day
Speak to your chaplaincy lead or senior staff members in school to see if they would be willing to hold a Non-Uniform Day in school to support your fundraising. You could even choose a theme or ask to speak in assembly to promote your efforts.
Download a Non-Uniform Day Poster Template