CYMFed “Faith in Action” award.

CYMFed - National national opportunities for young people - Brentwood Catholic Youth Service


CYMFed – the Catholic Youth Ministry Federation – have developed this major national award scheme known as a ‘Catholic Duke of Edinburgh award.’



With Discovery, Bronze, Silver and Gold levels, “Faith in Action” encourages young people to take part in a service project each week, at a level which reflects their age and the opportunities available to them locally.


There is also an easy way of adapting the resource for young people with additional needs, so it is fully inclusive.


Having performed some act of service, young people are encouraged to reflect on how this is an expression of their faith. The award is suitable for young people right across the 10-18 age range, with Silver and Gold levels also helping to develop young leaders.


Full details, and all the supporting resources, are at