Day 3 2019
We are well underway with our pilgrimage and the small groups of young people are having powerful encounters and experiences (despite soaring temperatures).
This morning we were privileged to have Mass in the Grotto with the whole diocese. The homily was preached by Fr Gary Dench, the most newly ordained priest of the Diocese (he was ordained the month before Lourdes).
We are blessed to be accompanied by a number of chaplains who serve the spiritual needs of our pilgrimage, both young and old.
One of the chaplains on our pilgrimage this year is Rev. Paschal Uche who was ordained a deacon shortly before Lourdes. Paschal, who has been to Lourdes many times before with the BCYS and HCPT, shared some reflections with the Virtual Pilgrimage on the place of the Diaconate in the life of the Church:
Since 2009 the year 13’s who come to Lourdes with the BCYS have a different experience which is focused around service.
Matt Tisi, the hotel leader in the St George where the year 13’s are staying, is our host to look back on Day 3 of the Virtual Pilgrimage. Matt helped us to look back on the day which included the Grotto Mass, some of our young people who went on retreat and finally some social time in the evening.