Preparing spiritually for Christmas
You will find an excellent “online retreat” and lots of other resources produced by the Jesuits at . Pope Francis is a Jesuit and this Religious Order give a lot of time and energy to helping prayerful resources be wonderfully interesting and accessible. The resources are refreshed and updated every Monday during Advent.
The American Bishops have all sorts of excellent resources on their website – These include an Advent calendar with prayer suggestions for each day, as well as explanations of all the different Advent traditions – why do we have an Advent wreath? What do the colours of the candles mean? Many resources are printable PDFs, so they can be downloaded, printed and shared with groups.

Photo : Dynamic Catholic
“A great Christmas begins with an incredible Advent.” That’s what they say at “DynamicCatholic” and they promise you “the best Advent ever” with a set of short videos to help you pray and reflect each day of Advent. They will be sent directly to your phone or computer, and you register at