New resource for Primary Schools!

22nd February 2021

While we cannot physically support you in schools, the Walsingham House team have been working hard to put together some assemblies for use in primary schools, focussing on recent feast days, gospels, Lent and more.

Each video includes some words or readings for reflection, activities which pupils can join in with from home, as well as times of prayer, led by our fantastic and experienced Walsingham House at Abbotswick staff and volunteers.




The whole series can be found on our YouTube channel, and the link can be shared to pupils via school newsletters, websites, apps, emails, or used in school when children are able to return.

View the videos here



This is a free resource for anyone to use, but during this period we are unable to run retreats at Walsingham House, so if you are able to, you can make a donation by visiting: All donations at this time are very graciously received.