There are lots of great resources to help you with the key aspects of your Lenten journey – prayer, fasting, and doing charitable actions/giving to charity. Here are some of the best for Lent 2020 …
For Teenagers/University students
For teenagers and those of Uni age, some excellent sites for personal prayer and reflection, with fresh resources each day of Lent:

Transform your life - Join Lent Online 2020
The Jesuits are offering a powerfully reflective journey; sign up and you’ll receive a link each day with new images and insights for prayer. It is especially good if you can do it as a group, meeting together once a week to chat and share insights. Perhaps a group of Year 11-13s at school, or a group of friends at Uni? All the details are at

Accompany Refugees With JRS This Lent
From a different angle, the Jesuit Refugee Service is offering the experience of journeying with refugees through Lent, with scripture passages, reflections, and a definite action for each day of Lent, to show solidarity with refugees. All the details are at

Columban Missionaries
The Columban Missionaries have taken the theme of the Environment for their Lenten reflections. Each week focuses on a particular angle, and the downloadable PDF is packed with links that take you deeper into each area. To journey through Lent with this resource will inform you, as well as simulate many areas for prayer and action.

Ignatian Spirituality
There are a huge range of online Lenten retreats, reading and video reflections at – the page contains many links, and many ideas. Take time to discern the right one for you this Lent.

Lenten Gospel Reflections - Word On Fire
Bishop Robert Barron and “Word on Fire” Ministry offer this series of daily meditations for Lent; they have a strong tradition of bringing Catholic teachings alive on digital media. The website is
For Teachers / Catechists

CAFOD - Lent Resources For Young People
CAFOD have many things to offer for Lent – primary and secondary school resources, videos and powerpoints thant can be played in school reception areas. It is all at:

Mission Together - Lent Resources
The Mission Lenten calendar and lots of other resources can be found at Everything is free, and everything is printable / downloadable. The Missio resources are especially good for younger children – primary school / First Holy Communion age.