Celebrating “HolyWeekathome” with LiveStream Masses and Services from the BCYS – how to participate as actively as possible!
Holy Week is the most significant week in the Church year – and it is full of signs and symbols which will help to bring the Masses and services alive, as you participate in “HolyWeekathome.” It is well worth spending time getting ready for these Masses and services, using the simple information below.
The readings and hymns for each Mass and service will be on the specific event page for the particular liturgy, and they will be ready the day before they are needed. You could print them off, or have them on a second screen, next to one displaying the Instagram feed.
We begin on Palm Sunday and we encourage you to make palms, ready to wave them as you share in proclaiming the first Gospel of the Mass – then use the readings sheet to participate as part of the crowd during the long Gospel which is the centre of this Mass, focusing and preparing us for the rest of Holy Week.
You could craft something simple – or something more elaborate …
You could even go for a whole palm tree …
Then on Holy Thursday we’ll invite you to think about what it means to undertake a “virtual” washing of the feet of another – more about that during the Mass.
On Good Friday we encourage you to have a simple “altar” with a crucifix at the centre – no other adornments, just a crucifix as the heart and centre of the Good Friday Service of the Passion of the Lord.
For the Easter Vigil if you are able to safely light a little fire in the garden, then do that – the Mass begins by the fire, the symbol of Resurrection, and of Christ, the Light of the World. If you have a little candle to hand that will also help you, and you may also want a bowl of water to symbolically bless yourself as you renew your Baptismal promises.
There are more details about all of these ideas in the event information for each of the Masses and services, and – as ever – you are very welcome to send in your prayers during the Mass, that they can be included as part of the Intercessions for the Mass. We also love creative graphics at the sign of peace!
If you are not sure how to find the Masses and services, all the details are in the little graphic below. If you are using a laptop or desktop remember that you need to download the Instagram App – the livestream does not work if you just go via the website.