If you will be in school Year 13 from September 2024, we invite you to Walsingham House at Abbotswick for a 2 night residential retreat.
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You are made for a purpose.
Going into year 13, you may be about to make big or tough decisions about your future, wonder what God may have planned for you or where to go next.
This retreat is time to think, pray, chat with those in your year from across Essex and East London, and get a good focus for the future, right at the start of Year 13 and will take place in our beautiful retreat house Walsingham House at Abbotswick, just outside Brentwood,
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For just £35, the cost will include meals, accommodation and youth-led formation
(please let us know of any allergies or medical requirements when completing your booking form).
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This retreat is from the evening of Wednesday 9th through until the afternoon of Friday 11th October.
We are aware that the retreat takes place within the school week, however we found that man of our Diocesan secondary schools were supportive of this last year, they saw the importance of giving students much needed time and space to reflect, pray and discern their next steps. We have also tried to find a time where we can avoid exams, and that is why it is also taking place in early October.
Terms and Conditions
All those applying to attend this event must have completed the online booking form and deposit payment no later than 6 weeks before this event. The full balance will be due 4 weeks before the event. If you are attending with your school or parish, please speak to them regarding all policies and procedures.
All those applying to attend this event and are in current school year 13 or below must have completed a parental consent form no later than 2 weeks before this event.
By applying for a place, you agree to make full payment for the event and that this money is non-refundable unless
- You cancel before the BCYS incur any expenses or enter into any commitments.
- The BCYS cancel the event for any reason, and some money remains after meeting all expenses and commitments.
We expect everyone attending to be kind and respectful to those around them, including the BCYS staff and any volunteer leaders.
Failure to follow guidance from the BCYS staff and leaders may result in individuals being asked to leave, and may affect your place when applying for future events.
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If you are unsure if you have any outstanding items, you can check this by logging into your account at www.bcys.net and seeing if there is anything still listed on your “To Do List”.
In order to confirm your booking you will be asked to pay a non-refundable deposit.
By applying for this event, you agree to everything stated on this page.