Please read this page carefully before applying.
For those who applied before the deadline of 31st January, places have now been confirmed and any information regarding this event will be emailed out to those attending – please ensure to check the email you use to apply. If you have not received this information, please email [email protected]
If you are applying after 31st January, you will now be added to a waiting list and your application accepted if places become available.
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What happens on a BCYS Lourdes Pilgrimage?
The week is spent travelling alongside the main Diocesan pilgrimage as we assist the elderly and infirm, particularly those in wheelchairs, to get to Masses and services, visiting the shops and cafes of the beautiful French town, as well as joining them for social time together, as for many pilgrims, it is one of the few times they are able to leave their house.
For those travelling with the BCYS, the week will also include a retreat, reconciliation service, the chance to visit the baths, a trip to the stunning mountain town of Gavarnie (part of a UNESCO World Heritage site), social nights and party as well as experiencing the Lourdes Torchlight Procession and Blessed Sacrament Procession.
The pilgrimage is open to all those in school year 10 – 13, with all those of school leaver age (18+) invited to join us as young leaders (subject to attending a training weekend, see details below).
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The cost of the trip is £760 for young people (school years 10 to 13) and £710 for leaders.
This includes coach travel, hotels, insurance, excursions, all meals in Lourdes, a Lourdes polo shirt for each participant and a hoody for anyone travelling with us for the first time.
Bursary and grant funding is available from the Catenians, Jack Petchey and BCYS, among others and we would be happy to share any more information on these, as well as fundraising ideas within your parishes or schools. Please do not be put off attending this trip due to cost. You can find more information on Funding for Lourdes here

Travel to Lourdes will be by coach, which leave from stops in Colchester, Stratford and Brentwood on Saturday 19th July, returning to Brentwood on Saturday 26th July. Exact timings will be confirmed nearer the time, as this is dependant on ferry crossing times, however we anticipate that coaches will leave around lunchtime on Saturday 19th and return on the morning of Saturday 26th.
This pilgrimage is open to all those in schools years 10 and above.
This is a service pilgrimage in which our main purpose is to assist the adult Diocesan pilgrims. There will be times of prayer, socialising, reflection and much more throughout the week, but we will have a very full timetable for the week we spend in Lourdes.
Due to the location of hotels and geography of Lourdes, there will be a large amount of walking throughout the week, as well as pushing wheelchairs. You must be physically up to this task.

There will be a Pre-Trip Information Meeting for all parents and participants on Sunday 29th June at 2 pm.
All of those who are travelling, plus their parents/guardians are warmly invited to this pre-trip meeting where you will meet the groups you will be spending time with in Lourdes, find out your room shares, coach travel allocations and collect your polo shirts and hoodies for the week.
For parents, there will be an opportunity for you to hear more about the trip from Gabriella Skinner (Events and Pilgrimages Coordinator) and Claire Bailey (Director of Youth Ministry), and ask any questions or bring up any concerns you might have.
Whilst we are in Lourdes we will also have a medical team accompany us, so if there are any concerns particularly around health or wellbeing which you wish to discuss with them then they will be more than willing to give you that opportunity.

For those who have not travelled with us before, the year 13s in our group in Lourdes have traditionally had a slightly larger role to play in the pilgrimage – we recognise that most of you will be 18 when we travel and will hopefully carry on to become leaders in the future, and we want to nurture and encourage this!
A large part of the week will be spent accompanying Fr Bob Hamill, who travels with a group of adults with additional needs, and providing extra assistance to the main adult pilgrimage, or taking on stewarding and marshalling the larger events in Lourdes, among others.
So that we can meet you, you can meet each other and we can give you a little more information and opportunity to ask questions about this role, we would like to invite you to Brentwood Cathedral Parish Hall on Sunday 29th June from 12pm. We will have lunch and refreshments for you, and would then invite you to stay and your parents to join us for the whole group pre-trip meeting.

For anyone who is age 18 or over (having left school) we invite to come on pilgrimage as a young leader, which means you will be responsible for a small group of those in year 10 – 12 throughout the week.
Due to the nature of this role, you will need to complete a DBS check with the Diocese (we will be in touch to arrange this with you!)
It is also compulsory to attend the Leaders Training weekend which will take place at Walsingham House on Saturday 28th June and Sunday 29th June.
Travel to Lourdes will be by coach, with pick ups from Stratford, Colchester and Brentwood before beginning the 20 hour drive – you can select your pick up point when completing your booking form.
We ask every participant on the trip to adhere to the latest public health guidance which we will summarise for you in the 6 weeks prior to the trip. Due to the close contact with vulnerable adults during this trip, we would advise that all those travelling are vaccinated. If you start showing symptoms of Covid 19 prior to travel please take an LFT. Anyone testing positive with Covid 19 at the point of travel will not be able to join the pilgrimage.
Certain passport holders require a Visa to allow them to travel. This is up to individual passport holders to verify and we ask that you have confirmation of your visa by 31st May. Please email [email protected] for assistance.
Please ensure you have a valid GHIC or EHIC. This gives you the right to access state-provided healthcare during your trip in another European Economic Area.
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As well as opportunities with the BCYS, there are also additional roles with the Diocese for those over 18.
If you would be interested in volunteering with Fr Bob in Lourdes, you can email Aileen Parsons at [email protected] for more information.
If you would be interested in supporting the medical team, or assisting with the adult pilgrimage in any way, you can email [email protected]

Selection Process
Applications will be open from October and places will then be confirmed in the first week of February.
The first 80 places will be offered to those from school years 10—12.
Up to 30 places will be offered to those in school year 13.
Places will be allocated to ensure as many parishes and schools as possible from the diocese are represented.
Where we receive a large number from one school or parish, places will be allocated on a “first come, first served” basis.
Once your place is confirmed, we will ask for a non-refundable deposit to be paid to secure this.
If you have any questions or concerns please speak to us as soon as possible, by emailing [email protected]