Mass is now Livestreamed from the parish of

St Edward the Confessor, Romford.

The Parish priest in Romford, Fr Tom Jordan, is unwell, and Fr Dominic is assisting there. To serve the parish, and anyone else for whom the Livestream is helpful, we are – throughout July and August – using the BCYS channel and facilities, while gradually opening the parish church in accordance with all the Government and Bishops’ guidelines. 

Today’s Gospel continues last week’s theme of parables about sowing good seed, and weeds; into this is added the image of the mustard seed that grows into a magnificent tree. We might ask ourselves, what are the small things in my life that have made a big difference? What small acts of kindness can I offer that would make a big difference for others? When I consider my actions in relation to Jesus, am I living as a beautiful plant, fruitful in generosity, mercy and love? Or am I sometimes a bit of a weed, messing up the good seed?

The Livestream will be on YouTube, and everyone is welcome. The direct link to the Mass is: 16th Sunday of the Year YouTube Livestream which will take you to where you need to be with just one click from here!