Join us on our Instagram Live at 8pm Wednesday 25th November, for #RedWednesday Youth Mass.

#RedWednesday is an initiative from Aid to the Church in Need. It highlights the fact that across the world many people – Christians, and those of other religions – are persecuted, and sometimes tortured and killed, for no other reason than the faith they proclaim.

Today’s “Lockdown2” Youth Mass will highlight this, in a time of reflection and prayer that helps us to see what it means in our lives, and what it means for the world. Instagram also offers a place for you to add your prayers – on this issue, or for any family member or situation that you want to bring to prayer. All are welcome online. 

Search @brentwoodcys on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Join the campaign: Over the last five years Aid to the Church in Need‘s #RedWednesday campaign has been hugely successful in drawing attention to the human rights tragedy of Christian and other religious persecution. Now a global initiative, endorsed by the UK government, it is time to make #RedWednesday a campaign with teeth that can really change lives. Can you help?

Sign the petition by clicking here