Celebrated on the Feast of Christ the King, National Youth Sunday is an opportunity to recognise young people as a gift in the Church, enable the youth ministry and parish community to celebrate young people and affirm the contribution of young people in the Church and those who work with them.
This year, National Youth Sunday takes place on Sunday 22nd November.

National Youth Sunday calls all young people to think about what following Jesus means to them.
We’ve just celebrated the beatification of Blessed Carlo Acutis – an incredible example to us all about how we can use the skills and resources we’ve got to bring people together and bring people to Christ.

This year the theme of National Youth Sunday is Together.
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every part of life. The way we live, work, study, play and pray has all changed. The most significant change has been that we have not been able to do many of those things together.
This year’s theme recognises what it means to be ‘together’; with ourselves, with others and with God.
You will find lots of excellent resources – for schools, parishes, and for young people themselves – at www.nationalyouthsunday.com This includes the images used in this post, which are all free and available to download for your social media.
Of course, we at the BCYS would normally be asking young volunteers from around the diocese to come and speak in parishes about the youth service, our work and their own experiences, but as that is not possible this year we have a video series from 16th – 21st November – read more at https://bcys.net/events/nysvideos/
On 22nd November, on YouTube, we’ll have a 5 minute video full of young voices, speaking more about our work. This will be available across all our social media, and the link will be posted here shortly. We will also be happy to send this video directly to anyone who can make use of this resource.
We would also normally hope to be able to hold a second collection to support all the work of the Youth Service, particularly our bursary scheme which helps young people who would otherwise struggle with the costs of events, to make sure everyone can be involved.
With public Masses suspended for Lockdown, we are completely reliant on donations made online – all the information is available HERE
This includes postal information if you prefer to send a cheque, as well as account details for online donations.
Thank you for your continued support.