Our planet – entrusted to us by God – is truly beautiful. One of the rays of hope in the Coronavirus pandemic is that with reduced pollution, the natural world is recovering; we have all been able to hear more birdsong, animals are rediscovering habitats no longer ruined by traffic, the air is clearer and the seas are less choked with plastic.

Five years ago Pope Francis wrote “LaudatoSi” – an amazing, challenging and powerful encyclical about the environment, poverty and our stewardship of creation. In the week where we are encouraged to celebrate the fifth anniversary of this letter, we dedicate our Youth Mass to considering what we can do to sustain care for creation once CoronaVirus has passed.

It is a brilliant document to read and pray about during lockdown – the full text can be read on screen or downloaded as a PDF from the Vatican website: Laudato Si 

The Mass is Livestreamed on YouTube – our channel is BrentwoodCYS – and Instagram, where you’ll need the App for the Livestream and we are @BrentwoodCYS.

The Mass booklet to download or print is here, including the hymns and readings for the Mass: LaudatoSi Youth Mass Booklet

Everyone is welcome – see you online!