“Catechesis is the echo of the word of God”
– Pope Francis
Saturday 6th November, 10am – 3pm
Please save the date for this fantastic event!
10:00am Arrivals
You are very welcome to arrive at Sacred Heart School any time from 10am – there is parking on site, or it is just a short walk from public transport stops and stations.
A member of the BCYS and Walsingham House staff and volunteer team will be ready to sign you in and welcome you with teas, coffees, cakes and pastries!
There will then be the opportunity to sign up for 2 of the exciting workshops available for the afternoon (these will be filled on a first come, first served basis).
10:30am Welcome
The day will open with a time of prayer, followed by a welcome and introductions to the team running the day.
10:45am Speakers
The mornings talks will inspire us to think about how we can work together to build a better future through Catholic Social Teaching, particularly through initiatives from
Together for the Common Good
Caritas in Practice
Faith in Action
Fr Dominic Howarth, Episcopal Vicar for Youth Ministry and Pastoral Care, will also introduce us to and elaborate on Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter Antiquum ministerium, focusing on the lay ministry of catechesis.
12:15pm Lunch
We do ask that you bring a packed lunch, which you are very welcome to sit and enjoy together, whilst having the opportunity to meet fellow catechists.
13:00pm Workshop 1
We will break out into smaller rooms for the first of the workshops you have signed up for in the morning.
This will be a fabulous chance to find out about new resources, courses, campaigns, opportunities for you and your young people and much more, as well as discussing and sharing your own practices with fellow catechists. You can see more about the workshops available below.
14:00pm Workshop 2
You will be guided to the second of the workshops you have selected for the day.
15:00pm Closing Prayer
We will invite you all to gather back in the main hall for a closing prayer as we end the day.
We are thrilled to welcome back some fantastic organisations to this event, as well as meeting some brand new ones, all of whom have an abundance of fresh ideas and resources to share with you and assist you in your roles working with our young people.

St Vincent De Paul Society
Young Vincentians takes the SVP ethos into schools, colleges and parishes, inspiring young people to give their time to volunteer and sow the seeds for a lifetime of service. With more than 600 groups in England and Wales, Young Vincentians are the youngest members of the St Vincent de Paul Society who turn their concern into action! They will share more information about Mini Vinnies (7-11 year olds) and Youth SVP (11-14 year olds) – both wonderful initiatives to engage young people during and after Confirmation and First Holy Communion Programmes.

Million Minutes
Million Minutes is dedicated to bringing Pope Francis’ vision for youth ministry from Christus Vivit to life through understanding and sharing ways to engage young people in our communities. Beth, who works as a Senior Parish Engagement Officer will share more of the theory of how to reach and engage young people, while sharing ideas of how this looks in a Parish setting.

Catholic Voices
Catholic Voices is a project which began in the UK to improve the Church’s representation in the media, training speakers and appearing on news programs and debates. Georgia will be coming along to the training day to help us learn more about “How to defend the Faith without Raising your Voice”.

Missio are well known as an organisation who ignites God’s love by helping local missionaries to work alongside global communities that are poor or in need, and alongside this they are working to support schools and parishes in their mission as Catholic educators, by producing workshops and reflections throughout the year.

The Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society
The BCCS are an established children’s charity delivering vital mental health and emotional wellbeing services in schools across Essex and East London. In a time when the mental health of our young people is so important, they will be sharing some helpful advice and resources for dealing with sensitive issues and situations which may arise when working with young people.

Art Wangcharoensab
Art has spent years with the Music Department at Brentwood Cathedral, working in schools, with choirs, animating our regular Youth Masses and Lourdes Masses, as well as composing his own Nativity, psalms and songs! He is an enthusiastic and lively leader who, now into his teacher training, inspires people of all ages, bringing joy and worship through his music and will share some ideas to help you do the same.
This training and resources day is open to all First Holy Communion and Confirmation Catechists, as well as those who look after the children’s liturgy in the Diocese of Brentwood. It will be an opportunity to hear about fresh resources, as well as receiving input to assist you in your First Holy Communion and Confirmation programmes.
We would particularly like to welcome any young catechists or young people in your parish (16+) who may be interested in working as or with catechists, and wish to develop their faith further post-confirmation.
To reserve your place for this FREE event, please email [email protected] with the following information of each person attending;
Full Name
Role (First Holy Communion Catechist / Young Catechist / Confirmation Catechist / etc)
Email Address