The Ascension marks a definitive moment in the life of the Church – the disciples have seen Jesus Crucified and Risen; they have heard him speak of going to the Father, and now that moment becomes a reality. They stand on the mountain and watch him ascend – and then they huddle in the Upper Room, with a very limited ministry, unsure of what to do next and fearful of persecution.



The days between Ascension and Pentecost perhaps chime very deeply for us right now – uncertain days, wanting to trust and hope in a brighter and more inspiring future, a “new normal,” yet rather afraid of the pathway to getting there.

Jesus promises to send an Advocate, the Holy Spirit, and he gives the “Great Commission” – “Go and make disciples of all nations; baptise in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” That is our task, too – and even when we cannot travel “to all nations” we can most certainly witness to our street, our community – and it is from such witness that conversion is inspired.

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