On the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, as we would have been preparing to visit Lourdes, in our House dedicated to Our Lady of Walsingham, and in the month of May which is particularly dedicated to Mary … this week’s Youth Mass is “All about Mary”!

Mary offers us so much insight – a mother with all the joy that entails, but who also knows so much suffering. Mary who “ponders things in her heart”, who stands at the foot of the cross, and who knows the glory of the Resurrection. 

The places and times in history when Mary has appeared also have much to tell us – and we’ll reflect on that during this Mass: the children of Fatima; Bernadette in Lourdes; Juan Diego in Guadalupe. What can these appearances teach us? Most especially at the time of pandemic and isolation, how do these appearances inspire us? Always, of course, Mary points us on – points us to Jesus, and to infinite and all-embracing love. 

The Mass is Livestreamed on YouTube – our channel is BrentwoodCYS – and Instagram, where you’ll need the App for the Livestream and we are @BrentwoodCYS.

The Mass booklet to download or print is here; the booklet includes the hymns and readings for the Mass All About Mary Youth Mass Order of Service 

Everyone is welcome – see you online!