This evening we celebrate everything that was good about “Lourdes in your Living Room”, and we honour Chris Burkette who is moving on from Walsingham House at Abbotswick after three years of generous and dedicated service, to turn his Foundation Degree into a BA (Hons) in Theology.  



We do this on the eve of the Feast of the Transfiguration – an event in the Gospels where we, like the disciples standing with Jesus as he turned a brilliant white, are invited to “change our perspective.” We stand next to the one who is infinite love – and by the light of his grace we too are transformed. 


Pray with us tonight – after difficult months, and no doubt with some difficult moments ahead, it is good to simply bathe in the wonder, light and grace of God. 

The Mass will be on Instagram Livestream @BrentwoodCYS. Everyone is very warmly welcome online. There is an Order of Service with hymns and readings to print or download as a PDF here: August Youth Mass Order of Service