Are you ready for an adventure? Catholic Gap Year Opportunities for September 2020
Are you thinking about what to do when you finish school, Uni or Apprenticeship? Walsingham House is part of a network of retreat centres across the country, offering each other support. Together we have produced a short video to show you what life is like in a Catholic Gap Year.
The Retreat House Directors from across the country say: “Catholic Residential Retreat Centres offer a life-changing volunteering opportunity for young adults. Retreat team volunteers live in community with other young adults, sharing their faith with hundreds of young people on retreat and making lifelong friends along the way. As a volunteer, you’ll gain invaluable skills in leadership, organisation and teamwork. Whatever your career path, your newfound confidence and unique skillset are sure to set you apart from the rest. The experience will have a lasting impact on your own faith.”
Walsingham House has a full Team for 2020/21, and we will be welcoming applicants for 2021/22 from October 2020. Other retreat houses have spaces for September 2020. To find out more, with details of all the retreat centres nationally, check out