We would like to invite all those in current school year 13 and above to join us, at the end of our “Local Lourdes” week, for a relaxing afternoon in the beautiful grounds of Abbotswick.


Please arrive any time from 11:30am, for Mass at 12pm with Bishop Alan.

Following Mass, we would like to invite you to bring a picnic to enjoy on the lawn throughout the afternoon (although we like to remain positive, we will have a marquee up just in case of bad weather!)


Whether or not you are new to the BCYS or have been part of our events for several years, you are very welcome to join!


A safe haven during lockdown - wonderful work at Walsingham House at Abbotswick - Caritas Diocese of Brentwood


We are sure you as disappointed as we are at missing out on our Lourdes pilgrimage for 2 years in a row, however we hope that we can take this opportunity to catch up with any potential young leaders for Lourdes 2022, as well as giving you all the chance to catch up with each other!


The Youth Service relies so much on the wonderful work of our young leaders, and we have missed working with you all so much over the last year.