The coach journey to Lourdes normally takes 18 hours. 

Our Lady appeared to Bernadette 18 times.

So, how will you begin Summer Lourdes 2020?


We invite you to think of something with a multiple of 18 that you can complete in 18 hours, from 4.30pm on Saturday 25th July to 10.30am on Sunday 26th July. Will you run 18km? Bake 18 cakes, for the people in your street? Cycle 180km? Wash 18 cars, for your neighbours and friends?

Whatever it is, our Instagram Story will be updated all night, as you send in your photos showing how far you have got. And we are also inviting you to get sponsorship – the money will be split between Cafod’s “Summer of Hope” Appeal and the BCYS, as we are in great need of funds at this time. To offer sponsorship, simply go to and select “18 hour challenge” in the donate options. Can we raise £1800 for Cafod and the BCYS?

We look forward to hearing what you are planning for the challenge – message us on Instagram, email [email protected] or tag us @BrentwoodCYS and we will help you promote it.